Digital Marketing Automation – Why and How It’s Crucial for Businesses

Marketing Automation Facts to Up Your Marketing Strategy for Business Branding and online promotion.


Why and How Marketing Automation is Crucial for Business Promotion.



Marketing Automation Facts To Up Your Marketing Strategy-940x788
Marketing Automation Facts to Up your Marketing Strategy

9 Facts attached to Marketing Automation:


1. Since the year 2011 or even earlier than that, about 79% of businesses that massively successful have been using this technique of marketing automation. Moreover, if we see in detail maximum of the big businesses have been using it for four years per least.


2. The companies that are using marketing  automation currently are performing far more better than their competitors. About 63% of the companies (which means 2/3 of them) from amongst all that using it falls under the category of good performers in comparison with their peers.


3. With marketing automation you can send customized or say personalised email to every customer of yours irrespective of any limit as far as number of customers are concerned. Doing so will increase your revenue by about 700% as against the emails you have shooted. Therefore, this technique is customizable for every customer.


4. Another amazing fact about marketing automation is that its tools helps you lower down the amount of work or say number of tasks you and your team has to do. It saves your time as well as money by making the task get completed quickly.


5. With Marketing automation you will be able to deliver your content to the right audience at the right time. This will make your content delivery timing perfect through which you will be able to generate more and more qualified leads.


The businesses that use marketing automation generate 3.5 times more qualified leads i-e it increases by 451% as compared to those who doesn’t apply this.


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6. With more relevant content, right audience, right timing of content delivery, and business gaining more qualified leads (as mentioned in the previous point) conversion rate improves drastically. With this marketing automation technique, the conversion rate tends to increase by an average of 53%.


7. Do not confuse marketing automation as a marketing tool but rather it is a technique the improves and optimizes your marketing efforts to make it a success to great extent.


8. Marketing automation helps you provide numerous SEO benefits by streamlining the delivery of your content. It will improve your ranking in the search engine results.


9. With marketing automation right leads are delivered to your sales team and they are able to carry out the communication & follow up process with the leads in a hassle free way without any gaps & error like no response or so.


To summarize let us just list down some of the major benefits of using marketing automation:


1. A huge time saver.

2. Helps maintaining consistency.

3. Allows you to reach out every single customer in a personalized way.

4. Saves your money.

5. Easy to use for all.

6. Provides you detailed reports & keeps track of all that you do be it mailing, social media or other stuff.

7. Helps to create a consistent brand presence on various channels.


Marketing automation is extremely beneficial for the business. There are various other advantages of it if we go into the detail and elaborate it.Talking about marketing automation platforms, then we have multiple of these like Oracle Eloqua, OutMarket, Sales Fusion, LeadSquared, HubSpot, Marketo, Pardot, Act-On, Infusionsoft, etc.


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1 thought on “Digital Marketing Automation – Why and How It’s Crucial for Businesses”

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