SEO Campaign Planning – What to Do When SEO Campaigns Fail [ Website Ranking Tips ]

Last updated on February 10th, 2021 at 11:11 am


SEO Campaign Planning Tips for Website Ranking and Business Marketing


Tips to Plan Successful SEO Campaigns for your Online Business


Watching your SEO campaign fail is very disappointing and frustrating. You leave no stone turned to do rigorous research of your topic area, collate all the points, draft the content and create this wonderful piece of work.

You even marketed your content, advertised it over the various social media platforms, pitched the right people with e-mails and newsletters, sent tweets and much more. But nothing worked! Even all this couldn’t get you any shares, links!


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SEO Campaign Planning Tips for Webmasters, SEO managers, and Marketers


Unfortunately, the sad part is that a number of SEO campaigns eventually fail because of one or the other reasons. It is a fact that every marketer has to face. Remember, your every campaign can’t be a great success but just because the campaign didn’t succeed doesn’t imply that it was a failure! Rather it’s an experience which indicates that there is still a room for improvement.


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Thus, if your SEO campaign fails, it’s high time that you overcome your disappointment and frustration. Try to find out what went wrong and work in the direction to ensure things work better in the next effort. Take a lesson from the experience, apply all the strategies learnt and get your campaign back on track of success.

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Why the SEO Campaigns Fails?


There are numerous reasons as to why the SEO campaigns fail. However, the most prominent of them are:


a. Budget


When we talk about budget as a reason of a SEO campaign’s failure, we don’t mean the amount but what leads to failure is the “unrealistic budget”. Yes, setting an unrealistic budget for your SEO campaigns and efforts can lead to the failure of a SEO campaign.

You don’t have to spend much on your SEO campaign but it is extremely important to handle the budget wisely. Don’t expect unrealistic results with little efforts. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day and any SEO campaign can’t work overnight!

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b. Goals


Like with the budget, a number of companies set unrealistic goals with their SEO campaigns and end up fail at the planning stage itself. If you want to attain success in your SEO campaign, then it is important that you set realistic objectives. You might not rank the highest for your target keyword in one month or even in three months but that is quite fine. You got to have patience. Imagine if this would have been so easy, would everyone not have wanted what they need.


Start small. Start your campaign by thinking objectively. Many people plan to immediately rank for 10 different keywords, which is completely wrong approach. Try to start with optimizing only one keyword or product at a time.

After getting success in that, build your SEO campaign on that basis. Thus, by building small success, you can attain your objectives and see the things progressing.


Remember, an SEO campaign doesn’t work overnight. You need to set realistic goals and timeline. You might even have to wait for a period of two to six months to get your link in the the top of the search engine result.


Even if it doesn’t work at the pace you desired or imagined, don’t lose hope and keep working. Many people take this delay as a failure and stop working towards the campaign. Believe me, this is one blunder that brings them the failure. Don’t pause, keep moving and constantly work towards improving the constant and the keywords.

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What Should You Do If Your SEO Campaign Fails


After your SEO campaign fails, it can be very tempting to wash your hands off with it but do you really want to throw all the time and effort you put in initially? Well, we know you would not want that.


Here is exactly what you can do after your SEO Campaign fails:


Re-Evaluation of the SEO Campaign


Go over the entire content and analyse. Ask yourself if your content is still that awesome as you initially thought? Well, be your own critic and try writing a high-quality, engaging and relevant content.


Take suggestions from others on how can you improve the content. Incorporate their feedback create a wonderful piece of work. Look at the entire campaign and the results. Analysing what went wrong and where and taking preventive measures is the key to the success of any SEO campaign.

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Look at your Outreach


Outreach is where 70% of the SEO campaigns fail. You can’t get success by sending unwanted e-mails after all! Identify your target audience and before sending them your content, try to initiate a relationship with them and build their interest.


Communicate with them professionally, posts comments on their social media posts and tweets. It should be anything important. The idea here is to engage with them to make them aware about you and your work. Don’t forget to pick the right platform too.


After establishing a relationship, when you decide to send your content, don’t miss to track your outreach. This will help you see and analyse how interested your users are in the content you sent.

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Try the Campaign Again


After getting a hook onto what went wrong, consider retrying the campaign. There might be a possibility that even the second time also, you earn some results only but that’s absolutely fine. If you feel that you have a good piece of content that can be useful and interesting for your audience, keep trying.

If your content is good, you will get good results and your campaign will eventually work.

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Revamp it


Finally, if you don’t get very good results with your campaign, consider revamping your content. Don’t just keep it aside, rather use it in different ways and see the results. There is always something you can do with it so it!




Watching your SEO campaign fail is truly disappointing but everything can’t be a huge success. Learn from your failures and move forward. Remember, only those fail who don’t try! And while you try and work hard, success is bound to come tomorrow, if not today!


To know more about the various techniques that can help you build a great SEO campaign, go through this Step by Step Guide to Build SEO. We wish you all the very best with your campaign!


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1 thought on “SEO Campaign Planning – What to Do When SEO Campaigns Fail [ Website Ranking Tips ]”

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