Last updated on May 12th, 2021 at 01:59 pm
5 Web Designing Tips for Beginners to up the Customer Engagement Rate
Earning the trust of audience/customers is not an easy job in today’s scenario when the customer is informed way much more than it had ever been. With internet and social media thing, awareness on almost everything is increased.
If a person wants to know about anything, internet is there to help. Now, coming on to the main focus of topic i-e creating trustworthy website, we must understand and accept this fact that the website visitors say prospective customers will not put their trust in you unless you have some solid & logical reason that makes you stand out.
Find Out How to Develop a Trustworthy Website |
5 Beginners Tips to Make a Website that the Customers can Rely Upon and can Keep Coming Back
Something that proves that only you can be the solution to their problem. Unless they find you genuine, they won’t entertain you. No matter how attracting your call to action is, how strong your content is, how captivating the design is, if you are unable to show why you stand out as a saviour for them then nothing will be worth.
How to Create a Trustworthy Website? |
Increasing online scams and phishing incidents have made the users skeptical about using certain websites unless they are confident of their authenticity.
So, here’s listing a few ways to create trustworthy website. Check these out!
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1. Authentic Images
Use Authentic Images on your website to Grow Trustworthiness |
Visual appeal is important in a website. Images form an important part of a website. These play a huge role in enhancing the user’s experience, increase conversions, helping with branding, and more.
If you are using just any kind of image and expecting it to do wonders for you then you are wrong. It is seen everywhere that people are using generic stock images everywhere. Using right pictures at right places is good but moreover try to use pictures that are realistic or to put in other words, which are captured in real situations.
You might need to hire professional photographer for the same who can take interesting pictures of your products, employees that could give the authentic feel. Also you can find pictures on free online libraries. Pictures which can best compliment your content.
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2. Helpful Content Resources
No visitor would like to buy when visiting your website for the first time. Until and unless they see that you have a solution to their problem, they will not get interested in your website or your offering.
Therefore, generate content that lists out the benefits of the products that you are offering. Merely praising yourself, listing features of the product and pushing the audience to buy won’t get you anything.
Show in every way via your content that how helpful the product can be for the audience. Moreover, demonstrate how people have benefited from your products in the past.
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3. Social Proof
Social Media Presence- Provide a live Proof of how Popular your website is on Social Channels |
Social proof is the new marketing. It is a psychological phenomenon where people assume the actions of others in an attempt to reflect correct behavior for a given situation.
To put in easy words social proof is a tactic to ease the minds of worried customers.
Now, when it comes to creating trust, social proof plays an important role. To create a trustworthy website, you have three ways in which to use the power of social proof:-
a. Provide Social Proof Through Testimonials
Yes, whenever you accomplish any task or done with the project, always ask your customers to give feedback so that it can be displayed on your website.
To make the feedback more compelling, you can even use the image of the the customer who gave the feedback with his/her consent.
b. Provide Social Proof Through Media Logos
Feature media logos on your website as its power is unbeatable. Be it paid or owned properties, media commands that are earned are considered more reliable & trustworthy then messages.
c. Provide Social Proof Through Client & Partner Logos
The role of social proof is not limited to testimonials or media logos. Infact much beyond that. Use client and partner logos to tell the audience who your partners are. This will help in gaining trust of your customers as they will be able to recognize the larger brands.
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4. Incorporate Microcopy That Instinctively Sets Expectations
People often skip certain action because of doubt and fear. Similar is with website users, they skip clicking on the links, CTA buttons and others because they are doubtful as it may do some damage.
Therefore, it is recommended to use a microcopy along to make it clear to the visitors as to where they will land after clicking various tabs on website or sat what will happen on clicking the links. This will give them the idea in brief and they won’t hesitate in clicking the buttons or links.
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5. Make your Audience the Centre of your Story
Although you must stay careful as well. Do not use their name too much as it may sound awkward. As that say, too much of anything is not good. Therefore, make your visitors/readers/customers/audience feel that they are valued.
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