5 Marketing Rules any Seller Should Follow to Generate Leads & Sales

5 Beginner Sellers Tips for Generating Leads and Making Sales


5 Mantras every successful seller follows to get the amazing Sales and Leads compared to the others with the same capacity!!


[Tips for Sellers – The Common Traits of the most successful Sellers]


Everyone knows that each company has to deal with customers attraction and increasing profits in order to “stay in business”. It’s true, or not? Once we have identified the first apparent rule, it is time to answer the logical question: who is responsible for customers attraction, and who should convince potential buyers to pay hard-earned money to your company? If you answered the responsibility that lies with marketing department – you’re right. If you think that it’s the part of the sales department, it is also true.


If marketing and sales department interact harmoniously, they will get perfect teamwork and achieve goals in case their tactics to customers attraction is the same.


During all the time both departments work closely with each other to establish a relationship with a potential customer, who eventually will start making a constant profit.



Successful Sellers believe in building long lasting relationships with their clients



Thus, the overall objectives for sales and marketing are clear. Now it’s time to talk about what the seller needs to learn from the marketer to become even more successful.

Why you should start selling online?

You will get to know: How the successful sellers manage to get the lots of higher sales compared to the others in the same profession and domain. What makes them more popular in what they do in their work life.



5 Holistic Rules that Every Kind of Sellers should Set to get Real Success in Sales and Marketing of any Products or Business



Study your target audience before you start working with sales marketing-250x250
Study your Target Audience Before you Jump with your sales ideas



1. Study your target audience before you start working with it


To do everything correctly, you must remember the first rule of marketing: “We do not sell all in a row, but only to the target audience.”

It doesn’t matter exactly what you are doing, whether it’s an auto business or network marketing, if you do not know who is your target audience – the sales will be low.


–     Learn the communication style of your potential customer. Note phrases and expressions which he uses. Don’t use professional terms, if you see that the client does not understand them. Speak the same language.

–     You should make a portrait of your potential customer. The Internet can help. Collect the data that will help you to get a general idea of his identity and enthusiasm. This information will be useful when you start to communicate directly. But keep in mind – it is not necessary to use everything that you can see.


–     Explore features of the target audience. Avoid general, vague statements. Find out as much as possible about the product, which is sold to customers.


All collected data will help to learn more about the specifics of the client, and as a result, you will be able to answer the question: “What need can we meet?”.

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2. Listen as an entrepreneur



Listen to your customers as an entrepreneurseller for effective marketing250x250
Successful sellers always Listen to their customers



In fact, all of the marketing strategies of customer attraction to the company lead to constant communication with the client. As a seller, you have the opportunity to show customers what you can do to satisfy their needs. Listen to what the client says.

Try to identify what problems the client faces and then satisfy them by offering a concrete solution. Confirm that you hear the client, describe his needs and then help to imagine how to change business and personal life of the potential customer.

You can’t help if you do not know how it was before you met.



3. Sell yourself



Sell yourself-effectively-250x250
Learn the art of selling



Consumers are always interested in one thing – what makes you better than others?


No, the answer to this question does not involve full-scale work on a given theme. If you can give an answer clearly and briefly – you are the perfect seller. The rule “sell yourself” includes a lot of work to be done before communication with the client.


Don’t limit yourself to only one presentation, pay close attention to what may affect the success. Experience and attention to details will help to determine the correct technique of sales that will ultimately lead to greater success. Do not be afraid to ask existing customers “Why did you choose us?”.


Be a friendly person, that produce a good and positive impression.

If you can prove that you are reliable and dynamic, it will be reflected in the success of your company. But if you behave like slippery snakes, it’s more likely that potential customer will say goodbye.


➤ Learn: how to increase your online sales



4. Don’t be a “pain in the neck”


Most of the advertisements scream: “Stop! Don’t go!”. Banners and pop-up windows are full of pushy or desperate appeals. But how to avoid such radical methods? Just stop issuing mindless soliloquy as usual – build a dialogue instead.

Attract customer’s attention by the natural involvement in the process, rather than by persuasion and pressure, which may not always end well. Give you client an option to make a decision without pressure, simply by providing the necessary information and quality service.

The audience will reward you for your respect.



5. Sales do not end after the sale



If you have managed to convince a person to pay the bill, then you’ve got the confidence.


The main reason your potential customer turned into your client may be that you have built a good relationship with him while communicated in the framework of the initial negotiations. But in any case, do not spoil the reputation with the fact that you forget about the customer as soon as you get profit from the sale.


In conclusion, the relationship with regular customers is like an old friendship. Listen, be friendly, learn more about people’s lives, do not lie and do not bother. This simple rules will not only help you with customers attraction but also make you understand the importance of marketing.


If you decide to sell, then this work will teach you how to understand people and find a common language with everyone.


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