A blend of right content with apt marketing is what a blog’s success highly depends on. Let us check out the tips to adopt for your blog and get the most out of your blogging. Beginners Tips for Becoming a Blogger Influence.
No Magic Wand or So, Just a Laptop, a Good Camera, Smart Tactics and They are Ruling the Blogging World.
In today’s time the importance of improving the blogs, attracting audience towards it and increasing its visibility & readership is not confined to bloggers merely rather the businesses are also getting into this zone, understanding & accepting the importance of social media & blogs.
They are quite aware of the fact that content sharing is important to create a drive in audience to purchase the products offered by the business.
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Blogging Tips on how to be a big Blogger
This article will highlight the ways to transform your blog and how to become a digital influencer. Let’s get started by throwing light on these few tips:
1. It’s All About Strategy:
Lots of pictures, writing great stuff is not enough to be a successful blogger. Much more is needed to reach that level. No doubt that content is important and about which you will read later in this article, but even more important thing is strategy.
Yes, if you want to win the audience then you need to work upon your strategy. Although there will be different strategies made to achieve the target yet some of these can be summed up here.
Be it for business for personal blogs, one thing that you can use to know what kind of content is most liked and shared by the audience can be the analytics tool.
You can use these on social media & blogs so that you understand & generate more of what audience like to see/ read. Another strategy could be working on the titles parts or i should say keywords focus so that your blog becomes more optimized to appear in the top results of search engines.
➤ Best Ways to Promote your Blog Successfully
2. Content is The Game Changer:
You have to be very selective when it comes to sharing pictures and articles with your audience. If you think that posting blurred or low quality images, articles written in few minutes and this will get you large amount of audience then to be honest here, you are absolutely wrong.
Think as an audience yourself. People admire things which are worth admiring and not just anything or everything. Use good camera for taking pictures, make use of tools and photo editing apps to make the picture look even more stunning.
Here is a DIY Photography Guide for capturing stunning pictures
Put in efforts to give something attractive to your audience. You can take help of the tutorials available on YouTube to guide you on how make the pictures look more attractive.
Do not publish the OK kind of or say mediocre stuff as you may lose your audience. Make sure you have something unique to offer via your blog to your audience that they couldn’t resist taking a look at it.
➤ How to Make Money from Blogging
3. Originality Gets Appreciated and Accepted:
On digital space, try to be more creative, innovative and different from the rest. Standing out in the crowd takes you to some other level. Your creativity and uniqueness gets noticed by the audience and they get attracted towards you.
Do not try sugarcoat things to please your audience. This doesn’t make them. People today love things that are more realistic, fact based and logical. Originality goes long way.
Therefore, be realistic in your content. If you do not want to or are uncomfortable in revealing your identity as a blogger then you can use any alternative or nick name. Avoid reposting or using others content or posts on your social media or blog.
Your followers follow you for reading your stuff, your creation. Do not disappoint them. Be your own voice. Remember this is not a school where you have to abide by the rules & speak what you are asked to speak to keep everyone happy.
4. Collaborations:
Success does not come that early and that.easily It takes time and a lot of patience from you. To be a well-reputed blogger and get your name out you have to collaborate with other bloggers, brands, magazines, websites, etc that can talk about you.
Initially, try to offer your content free of charge to these sources who are in need of your content and ask to give credit to you for the article/ picture or so while they share it to their followers/ audience.
Ask them to give you a “shout out” on their social media handles. This will help you get more audience and make you famous slowly & steadily. Hurrying things will not result into any kind of benefit for you here. You need to be patient, smart and collaborative.
➤ List of Top 30 Collaboration Tools for Blogging Success
5. Assistance
To stay active on social media and other platforms, you need some assistance who can post regular updates on your social media handles, manage your content, engage with the audience, smartly answer the questions that are asked and more.
You can hire interns for the same. This will help you in focusing on the core areas like creative aspects.
You must also try some of the really good SEO and SMM software and tools that may change the presence of your blog dramatically over the Internet. SEM Rush is such a tool can help you a lot in achieving the good ranking in SERP’s.
You should also think about getting assistance from some very trendy and useful marketing tools. Most of the top bloggers use them to make their blogging strategically successful via content marketing, SEM, and SMM. Find a list of 8 such great tools for online marketing for expert bloggers.
➤ 17 Blogging Ideas to Increase Blog Traffic and Readership ➤ 10 Best Sites for Grammar Checking and Sentence Correction |
5 Blogging Mistakes that Make your Blog Unpromising:
5 Common Things to Avoid for Better Blogging
Good idea with the creation of a blog can result in complete failure if we make some mistakes that are typical for beginning bloggers. Not all of them are quite obvious; therefore, they require additional focus. That’s what we are going to do today – take a closer look at what hinders the successful development of the blog.
Blogging Tips to Avoid Being Fall Prey to Common Mistakes in your Blog |
Beginning Blogging Mistakes to Avoid
Every blogger or new business house may have to face challenges in the initial stage of their web publication. This is more true if you don’t have specific experts and professionals to assist you in blogging. In today’s time blogging has reached to quite an advanced level where you need to be proficient in many things together. Now we have several specific departments in blogging to be taken care, and it becomes more important when it comes to Professional blogging.
A blog is consisted of many things together. And, you need to make sure that your blog is running efficiently as per the following crucial areas, such as-
- Blog design.
- Content writing and publication. ( content publication )
- Social media integration, sharing, and marketing. (social media)
- Conversions, Leads, Sales, and traffic (content marketing)
- Search engine ranking, online reputation, and overall visibility
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Apart from the above domains, keep in mind not to make the following common mistakes:-
Too Broad or Hot Topic
It is worth explaining. Many of us are interested in different areas, for example, health and beauty,movies, and building. But the Internet already has a mass of popular projects (websites and blogs) on these topics that it is almost impossible to break through. Especially, if you are just starting out.
As an option, you can run a blog about horror films (Hitchcock, Stephen King or someone else), or write about cosmetics, without attempting to cover the entire niche of “beauty”. Website about the construction of ecological country houses is much easier to make popular than a global building portal. Start with something small.
Several Themes
It would seem that combining 3 popular topics in a single one would make a blog more popular. But, unfortunately, the effect is the opposite: target audience is scattered. Those interested in the construction posts will not be interested to see the news in the world of cosmetics. In practice, the theme distraction makes it impossible to write each of them qualitatively.
Impersonal style
We must not forget that those who are looking for useful information and tips are real people. They want to know that they read thoughts of the same real person, but the one who knows a little bit more.
There is a special “About Me” section for this purpose. Tell people about your personality, hobbies, and life experiences, especially with regards to the theme of the blog. Chat with your visitors and readers; try to pay attention to everyone.
Non Eye-Catching Design
The blog should have some distinguishing features. The first thing that should be evident is the logo or design. Light headedness for its selection is harmful. Do not forget to take care of the uniqueness and the “brightness” of your text and multimedia content and its quality. Fill the blog with features that will better reveal the identity of the blogger.
Nowadays there are many striking and individual designs. Yes, it is more expensive than free designs, but visitors will appreciate it more. Let’s look at each of the items separately.
Site Header or Logo
This is what the visitor sees first after coming to your website or blog. And you should create a beautiful, inviting, unique logo that will inform your visitors about the topic of the website or blog.
The more successful logo or header you make – the more visitors it will attract to your site. Each site should have a logo and the lack of it will not lead you anywhere.
Background picture
This is an image or color that is located behind the cage of a site. The exception is the site with 100% width. If it is distributed on the entire screen, a background image is not necessary.
The background image can also attract or repel your visitors, so spend some time and think good about it before you go any further.
Site structure
Beginning bloggers always forget to design a site structure. In many cases, visitors don’t know where the information is located on your site and how to find it. And the more you do for the easier access to this information, the more people will want to stay on your site or blog.
Therefore, no need to complicate things. It is much better to make everything accessible and understandable for your readers.
Site Framework
The framework is a template with a content that is displayed on every page of the site. It includes the logo size and its location, the site menu, a place of the main content, site basement, and others. It is necessary to weigh up and do the right thing.
For example, the logo should be placed at the top of the site, the menu is placed either to the right or to the left of the main container you can make a horizontal menu under the logo.
The main content should cover the biggest area.It is better to do the right thing in advance, since after it will be difficult to change something on the site.
Content design
One of the most important items is the design of your content. By the content design, we mean text size, the division of the text into paragraphs, highlighting words with other colors, the presence of subtitles in the text, text font, multimedia content – audio,
video, banners, etc.
Remember that the text should be readable and use bright colors only to highlight the main idea. You need to know when to stop and not to overdo. Visitors would like to read text easily and appreciate when the site has a style, but not a mess.
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Fast Monetization:
Often, immediately after the start of the blog advertisements appear on it. It can be even worse – when there is a large number of ads. Affiliate links, banners, and contextual advertising deter visitors because they have not yet convinced of the reliability of the blog. Also, readers are less likely to subscribe to a blog because of advertising. You will need at least six months to gain the audience, and then you can and start earning. Try to place advertisements gently and carefully.
But the most important thing is to fill your site with new content constantly. And only after on your site, there will be sufficient information on the chosen topic and stable attendance, you can gradually try to earn money by monetizing it through a good ad network. But it should be done carefully and slowly. Search engines need to look at your site, and therefore, you should give some time for that.
By preventing or eliminating all these mistakes, the beginning blogger shave all chances to lead the projects to success. And then they can start making money. Actually, all these mistakes are typical and many people have already told about them, by still some new bloggers make them.
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This post is really very informative and unique to learn something new.
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wow, I'm delighted. This is really a simple but effective blogging guide. I completely agree with you about the content. This is the most important part of any blog.
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